Friday, January 23, 2015

LTE - Money Mike

Regarding "Jurors convict ‘Money Mike’ in child sex case, advise probation" (Wednesday City & State), it was reported that several of the young women who accepted Money Mike's money in return for sex and other questionable behavior had brought civil suits against him.  A few thoughts.  First, despite being underage at the time, all these girls were clearly old enough to know that prostitution is wrong.  Second, any time two parties engage in prostitution, they are both committing a crime.  

Finally, there's some irony in the fact that these girls hope to end their relationship with the guy they called their "Regular" the same way they started it: by hitting him up for cash.  If they are successful and win an award against Money Mike, they should acknowledge and own their wrongdoing by giving all the money to a women's shelter or similar charity.  Then, they should sit down with their parents and figure out how they collectively were raised in households with such low values that they ever got themselves into this situation in the first place.

There's a lesson to be learned from this whole sorry affair, but being allowed to sue your "John" after he's already paid you isn't it.

Pete Smith
Houston, TX

'Money Mike'
Regarding "Jurors convict 'Money Mike' in child sex case, advise probation" (Page B1, Wednesday), it was reported that several of the young women who accepted "Money Mike's" money in return for sex and other questionable behavior had brought civil suits against him. A few thoughts: First, despite being underage at the time, all these girls were clearly old enough to know that prostitution is wrong. Second, any time two parties engage in prostitution, they are both committing a crime.
There's some irony in the fact that these girls hope to end their relationship with the guy they called their "Regular" the same way they started it: by hitting him up for cash. If they are successful and win an award against "Money Mike," they should acknowledge and own their wrongdoing by giving all the money to a women's shelter or similar charity. Then, they should sit down with their parents and figure out how they collectively were raised in households with such low values that they ever got themselves into this situation in the first place.
There's a lesson to be learned from this whole sorry affair, but being allowed to sue your "john" after he's already paid you isn't it.
Pete Smith, Houston

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