Sunday, February 23, 2014

Poor, Put Upon Drug Dealer

Poor Chris. His Dad Jeff was a pillar of society except for that whole spending his entire adult life handling industrial grade quantities of pot. I particularly like the part where the son complained about one occasion when his father was caught with a measly 5 pounds, which is enough dope to make 3,600 decent joints, or 1,800 Fatties. No doubt that was just intended for him and his friends.

Let's say Daddy Jeff had 10 friends, which is likely if you are walking around w...ith 5 pounds of dope with a street value of $160,000, and you're willing to share. If Jeff and his pals each smoked a joint every day, 365 days per year, it would take them four years to smoke 5 pounds of marijuana. Except that marijuana gets stale, which means that Jeff did not have ten friends with whom he was sharing, which means that he was a drug dealer, and on a rather large scale.

Now Chris is lamenting Missouri's "Three Strikes" drug dealer law. Hey Chris, here's a reality check for you: Dad could have spared himself this inconvenience if he had taken Missouri seriously the numerous times they warned him to stop selling pot, and I'm pretty sure that whole Three Strikes option didn't just sneak up on him. Here's another reality check: Daddy Jeff distributed to thousands of customers in his time, many of them children who subsequently moved on to harder drugs and lives of misery and early death.

No three strike option for them, Chris. No three squares and a roof over their heads. They're just diminished, destitute or dead, and you're just a horse's ass.

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