Wednesday, February 5, 2014

"Non Partisan" Congressional Budget Office?

Regarding "Health law projected to shrink workforce" (Thursday Front Page), it is reported by the "non-partisan" Congressional Budget Office that the Affordable Care Act will result in "the equivalent of 2.5 million fewer full-time positions by 2024."  There's little doubt that a law that drives premiums and deductibles through the roof is going to devastate both employers and employees who are forced to participate; My question is, why should we take the CBO's word for anything? 
In the past five years, the CBO has been repudiated time and again for repeatedly validating the fantastic claims of Obamacare supporters that the law would reduce health care spending, reduce the federal deficit, improve the economy and - ironically - actually create jobs.  Even with this report, they throw the Obamacare administration a lifeline by proclaiming that the massive reduction in work hours will be "voluntary".  What fantasy world is the CBO living in?  If they had spent just a few hours browsing plans on, they would know that workers will need far more hours of work to cover the huge increase in premiums and deductibles imposed by Obamacare that are not covered by subsidies.  
And let us not forget that we haven't even seen the effect of the Employer Mandate, which will invalidate tens of millions of additional policies when it goes into effect later this year.  How much more back-pedaling will the CBO be forced to do once that disaster hits? 
Obamacare is what it is, and the CBO is free to say whatever it wants.  All I ask is that reporters stop calling it the "non-partisan" Congressional Budget Office.  It is anything but.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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