Monday, December 9, 2013

Democrat-Speak For "Give Me More Money"

Regarding "Still Serving" (Letters, 12-9-13), Former U.S. Rep. Charlie Stenholm repeats a curious statistic that I have read and heard from other politicians regarding our national debt.  Speaking of our national debt, he states that "by 2035 it will exceed the size of our economy".  That's curious, since the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that our current GDP is $16.9 Trillion, while our national debt is widely reported to exceed $17 Trillion.
Unfortunately, that 22 year gap is not the only flaw in Mr. Stenholm's vision.  He also urges "members of Congress to take steps that will put the debt on a downward path as a share of the economy".  For decades this has been standard Democrat-speak for more taxes, and only modest, if any, spending reform.  
Since the end of World War II, America's debt problem has never been about inadequate revenues or debt as a percentage of GDP, it has been about berserk government spending.  The minute that anybody in a position of power within the Democrat Party is willing to say that, I will have some hope that the problem can finally be brought under control.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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