Sunday, December 1, 2013

LTE: Clear talk on healthcare

Finally, An Informed Opinion On The Health Care Mess:

Regarding "Most ‘providers’ don’t have the old first name - doctor" (Sunday Outlook), after being forced to listen to the clueless ramblings of a bunch of politicians who have no idea what they're talking about, we finally get a coherent - and scathing - indictment of the health care system in America from somebody that is entitled to an opinion on the subject.  In less than 1000 words, Dr. Leonard Zwelling captures the decades-long failure of the system better than any book on the subject, and provides a clear explanation of why Obamacare is simply more of the same. 
Dr. Zwelling has a genius for terminology that allows the subject to finally make sense to laymen.  Phrases like "health care industrial complex", "corporatizing of medicine" and "baristas of bariatrics" perfectly explain the ever-expanding cast of profiteers, politicians, meddlers, hucksters, bureaucrats and opportunists that come between a patient and her doctor, the most prominent among those being the health insurance companies and the federal government. 
Analysis of his article ought to be a semester-long course in high school, and nobody should be allowed to graduate until they understand it completely.  For my part, I am going to send the link to everybody I know.  Then, I'm going to print out a hundred copies and hand them to anybody hungering for an explanation; then I'm going to print out another hundred copies.
But first, I'm going to stock up on ink cartridges. 
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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