Monday, December 9, 2013

Obama To The Middle Class: Grab Your Ankles

So, any of you that have followed my previous posts have noticed how much I've been harping on Deductibles and OOP (Out Of Pocket) expenditures under Obamacare Plans, specifically how insanely high they are.

Still, the sheer uniformity of the Deductibles and OOP represented on the website made no sense to me, so I decided to take a deep dive on some specific plans and what do you know: the Obamacare website is lying to you - again.

Regardless of the plan you choose or your family's size, when using their health care calculator, OOP is represented as being a maximum of $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family.  Turns out, that is only true for coverage "On Network".  If your services are "Out-of-Network" those charges exactly double to $12,700 for an Individual and $25,400 for a Family.  Read it and weep:
The daily revelations of the Exchange plans show that virtually none of them will allow you to keep the combination of doctors, hospitals, clinics and specialists that you currently employ, so in reality, to retain quality health care, you will be forced "Out-of-Network" for at least half of your healthcare expenditures.  Obamites will claim that taxpayer funded subsidies for OOP will ease the pain, but the point is that the insanely high OOP and deductibles will become the new baseline for the entire industry.

So in conclusion:

1) Insurance company profits will soar, since only a tiny percentage of individuals or families will exceed these OOP thresholds. 

2) Insurance company revenues and profits will soar yet further, since they will be able to sell taxpayer subsidized insurance policies to the uninsured lower income pool that does not qualify for Medicaid.  That group is estimated to be 41 Million people. 

3) Insurance company revenues and profits will soar yet further, since Obamacare subsidies - unavailable to the private market - will incent employers to dump their employees into the Exchanges. 

And all of this, of course, will be taxpayer subsidized.

Obamacare has been portrayed as a vast wealth transfer mechanism from the Middle Class to the poor, and that is undeniably true.  What has not been contemplated prior to this is that Obamacare is also a vast weath transfer mechanism from the Middle Class to the Health Insurance Moguls.

Hey, and just for fun, check out page 6 of this policy for the services not covered.  As I've documented previously, none of the health plans you subscribe to include Dental, and only the most basic of Optical, if at all:
So plan on adding at least another $500 yearly per family member out of your pocket for uncovered services, and remember, as the disclaimer above says "This isn't a complete list..."

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