Sunday, October 27, 2013

Juvenile Delinquents On Bikes

Regarding "Critical Mass leaders, city try a little cooperation" (Sunday City & State, Page B3), I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of the picture and caption that accompanied the article about the Scofflaw cycling group, notorious for group rides through town ostensibly conducted to protest the lack of bicycle friendly streets, but practically designed to provoke motorists by ignoring stop signs and blocking traffic.
The in-your-face nature of these protest rides seems to suggest that the loose-knit group of cyclists is bravely willing to take their chances on Houston's Mean Streets, which is where the picture accompanying the article comes in.  It shows thousands of Critical Mass riders meekly waiting for a train to pass at a Houston Avenue railroad crossing during their ride last Friday night.
It's encouraging that even Critical Mass riders concluded that antagonizing a train was probably not a good idea.  Here's hoping they build on that moment and stop harassing motorists as well.  As somebody who regularly rides his bike from Cypress into Houston, I'm here to tell you that provoking Road Rage is the last way to win hearts and minds, much less ensure that you safely get from Point A to Point B on your bicycle.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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