Monday, October 7, 2013

A Simple Solution

Regarding "Shutdown a big burden at Big Bend" (Monday A1), much is made of the impact of the partial government shutdown on local businesses, but there is a simple solution: What say the federal government simply open all national parks and monuments, and get out of the way?  I've visited dozens of our parks and never once have I needed a government employee in order to enjoy myself.  I'll bring in my own food and haul out my own garbage; heck, I'll even drop my park fees in the little box.
The only thing more ludicrous than the federal government laying off most of the employees that staff our parks so as to deny us access to nature is employing a handful of them to block the gates.  The Obama administration should do the right thing and let local governments and park visitors maintain national parks and monuments until the shutdown is resolved.
Pete Smith

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