Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yes, But Did He Use The Elmo Voice?

Regarding "NY man who dressed as Elmo admits Girl Scouts scam" (Thursday Nation), you had me at "Elmo". This is one of the funniest pieces I've ever read in the Chronicle, and I treasure every word of it. First is the revelation that homeless person Dan Sandler dressed up as Elmo for his very public anti-Semitic rant. Next was the revelation that if the Girl Scouts didn't give him $2 Million, he would say bad things about them.

From there it only gets better. The story reveals that he sent pictures and e-mails to the Girls Scouts as part of his master plan. Who knew homeless people had access to such an abundance of high tech resources?

Best of all, though, was the reaction of New York authorities who treated his actions as a crime. Oh to be a fly on the wall when they plea bargained that one with a man who is, to put it charitably, eccentric: "We was gonna let you walk for the Girl Scout caper, Sandler, until we found out about the Elmo thing." If the odd behavior of homeless people constitutes criminality, Big Apple prosecutors will have a full dance card for the foreseeable future.

As a concerned citizen, I demand that New York police release the contents of his e-mails and all interrogations. I don't think sensible folks are near done mining this one for laughs.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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