Tuesday, September 24, 2013

CSN's Greed

Regarding "Here's new low for woeful Astros: zero television viewers" (Tuesday A1), the Astros' failure to draw any discernible viewers should be a reminder of the attempts by the Astros through the Comcast Sports Network earlier this year to force a $3.40 subscription fee on all of Houston's 2.28 million households for the privilege of watching the Astros, along with the Rockets and the Dynamo.  The Astros stood to be the major beneficiary of a scheme that would have sucked up to $93 Million from Houstonians' wallets every year, regardless of whether they ever watched a single game.
This is a refreshing blow against corporate welfare.  It should also a wake-up call to all sports franchises about the foolishness of alienating your fan base with such a greedy money grab.
Pete Smith, Cypress

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