Sunday, September 22, 2013

The NFL Will Bail On The NCAA

Regarding "Texans' Foster admits taking money, slams 'bully' NCAA", (Saturday Page A1), as the title states, Arian Foster becomes but the latest of an ever-increasing number of pro football players to not only admit that they accepted money in college, but to rip the NCAA in the process.  What is interesting is that this trend puts the National Football League in a very uncomfortable position.  As opposed to professional baseball and basketball, only the NFL collaborates with the NCAA to restrict the rights of young athletes to move directly into the pro ranks, not accepting them into the draft until they complete three years of college or turn 21. 
With so many pro players of stature challenging this indentured servitude to the NCAA, sports fans will soon be demanding to know why the NFL is aiding and abetting the NCAA.  Watch for the NFL to fold on the issue of the draft, and quickly.  Once they do, the days when the NCAA can milk billions from student athletes without providing compensation will be over.
Pete Smith

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