Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LTE: Obama partisan

Regarding "Top Democrat: White House cleared in IRS case" (Monday Nation),  Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md claims that " A self-described conservative Republican who is a manager in the (Cincinnati) IRS office that targeted tea party groups told investigators that he, not the White House, set the review in motion."
Yet another classic example of the Straw Man arguments put forth by President Obama's supporters.  Not only does this directly conflict with the testimony from numerous other employees in the Cincinnati IRS office, it contradicts Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, who proudly admitted that he sicced the IRS on conservative groups.  It also doesn't explain the vile interrogations that followed the decision to pursue conservative groups, the release of confidential IRS information to Democrat interest groups, or the years-long delays in approving Tea Party groups as tax exempt.
Finally, finding a Republican to pin for this scandal is yet another laughable instance of the tendency of Obama partisans to blame Republicans for everything. I wait with bated breath for them to next discover that the culprit behind the whole thing was not only a "conservative Republican", but himself a member of the Tea Party.  Or failing that, perhaps they will simply blame George W Bush.
Stay tuned.
Pete Smith
Obama partisan

Regarding "Top Democrat: White House cleared in IRS case" (Page A3, Monday), Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., claims: A self-described conservative Republican who is a manager in the Cincinnati IRS office that targeted tea party groups told investigators that he, not the White House, set the review in motion.

Yet another classic example of the straw man arguments put forth by President Obama's supporters. Not only does this directly conflict with the testimony from numerous other employees in the Cincinnati IRS office, it contradicts Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who proudly admitted that he sicced the IRS on conservative groups.

It also doesn't explain the vile interrogations that followed the decision to pursue conservative groups, the release of confidential IRS information to Democrat interest groups or the years-long delays in approving tea party groups as tax exempt.

Finally, finding a Republican to pin for this scandal is yet another laughable instance of the tendency of Obama partisans to blame Republicans for everything.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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