Friday, June 28, 2013

Planned Parenthood Gets Hit In The Pocketbook

Regarding "Perry takes the fight directly to Davis" (Friday City & State), in the dispute between Gov Perry and State Senator Wendy Davis over her filibuster of the various bills restricting abortion, there was an interesting paragraph involving the words and actions of Planned Parenthood Action Fund president Cecile Richards.

Not only was she "part of the crowd" that disrupted our legislature during their deliberation of the bill, she also delivered a lengthy statement saying "Rick Perry’s remarks are incredibly condescending and insulting to women".  Ironically, she went on to say "This is exactly why the vast majority of Texans believe that politicians shouldn’t be involved in a woman’s personal health care decisions. Women are perfectly capable of deciding whether to choose adoption, end a pregnancy, or raise a child, and they don’t need Rick Perry’s help making that decision." 
The problem is, Planned Parenthood is not only a tax exempt organization, but has been granted a virtually unrestricted franchise by the federal government to offer abortion services for a fee nationwide.  On top of that, they are the largest abortion provider in Texas, and receive hundreds of millions every year in tax dollars to subsidize their operations.
It's clear that the bills before our legislature hit Planned Parenthood right in the pocketbook.  It's also clear that Planned Parenthood is a liberal interest group that - despite being  granted tax exempt status - engages in the most blatant politicking without repercussion.  You don't need to take my word for it: just read the website of their Texas affiliate: Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast*.  Not only does their FAQ give you the breakdown showing that 85% of their funding comes from fees and taxpayer dollars, but - referring to Texas - it also answers questions like: "What is it like to operate such a progressive organization in such a conservative environment?
With organizations like this running amok, I'd say the IRS has larger priorities than sticking it to Tea Party groups.
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX  
P.S. - Interesting to note that Cecile Richards is also a reliable partisan for Democrats in demonizing the Tea Parties.  According to Richards as quoted in the link below, Tea Parties are part of the conspiracy to deprive women of health care services.  Who knew? 

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