Tuesday, June 4, 2013

LTE: Correctness run amok

Regarding "Hasan to be own attorney in killing spree case" (Page B1, Tuesday), this story is yet another example of how political correctness is ruining not just our military but our judicial system. The first example was when the Obama administration repeatedly portrayed the slaughter by Maj. Nidal Hasan of his fellow soldiers as workplace violence, instead of the jihadist-inspired murder that it clearly was.

Hasan will be allowed to serve as his own attorney, allowing him to make a mockery of America's system of justice and providing a worldwide forum for his jihadi beliefs.

He's even given us a preview by stating that he will pursue a "defense of others" strategy, which claims that in making an attack, he sought to save others from the immediate threat of death. In other words, Hasan is going to put America's military, American soldiers and America on trial.

It's hard to imagine how the proceedings could have been better rigged to ensure a prolonged trial and even a succession of mistrials. That inevitable outcome will allow one man to paralyze our system of justice, the single thing that would most please al-Qaida. And all in the name of political correctness.

Pete Smith, Cypress


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