Saturday, September 8, 2012

Winners & Losers At Dem Convention

Regarding "The winners and losers from Charlotte" (Saturday Nation), Richard Dunham handicapped all of the speakers at the Democratic Convention this past week.  What was interesting was the breakdown of Winners and Losers: The Winners consisted entirely of has-beens, wanna-bes and minor players in the Democrat Party, including Bill Clinton, Sandra Fluke and San Antonio mayor Julian Castro.  The Losers consisted of, well, nearly all of the Democrat Establishment, including VP Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and President Obama's entire cabinet.
It was also significant that President Obama was not listed as a Winner or a Loser at his own convention.  That's a fitting metaphor for a politician who has done little more than show up for most of his political career, whether it was his habit of repeatedly voting "present" on legislation while he was a Senator, or spending the past 4 years of his Presidency blaming everybody else for the failure of his policies. It's also consistent with the character of a man who, when asked recently to rate his own performance on the economy gave himself a grade of "incomplete". 
That can't bode well for the Democratic Party in November.
Pete Smith

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