Saturday, September 8, 2012

Way To Go Canada

Regarding "Canada cuts off all relations with Iran", our Northern neighbor finally agreed to expel the diplomats of this Islamist terrorist state, and to withdraw their own.  My question is: what took Canada so long?  Iran is the number one exporter of terrorism world-wide; they stand against everything that multicultural Canada stands for, and yet, Canada persisted in giving them diplomatic cover for 33 years after Iran's current president led the attack on America's embassy in Tehran in 1979.

It's interesting to note that yesterday - under international pressure - Iran elected not to execute a Christian minister for the crime of being: a Christian.  This was not an isolated instance.  Iran has waged genocide on non-Muslims since the overthrow of the Shah the same year they took our diplomats hostage.  Why it took Canada more than a minute to get on board is anybody's guess, but if their recent actions were responsible for Iran sparing the Christian minister's life, one can only imagine how much more good they might have done had they ostracized Iran earlier.

Regardless, better late than never.  Now, if all of our European "partners" would similarly get on board, they might actually improve our circumstances, and their own.
Pete Smith

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