Wednesday, February 11, 2009

When Republicans Do Democrat

So, congressional Republicans dug their heels in against the $800 billion dollar "stimulus" package. Good for them. Then, they suggested a $15,000 tax credit for a home purchase. What a colossally stupid idea. Wasn't it artificial incentives on real estate that got us into this economic mess in the first place?

And why aren't any Republican politicians demanding real cuts in government spending? For that matter, why isn't the Conservative Punditry? It seems they're content to simply fight to forestall or minimize a further orgy of government spending. How astoundingly short-sighted that is.

You can't play this game by Democrat rules. The way out of this mess is not to expand the pool of giveaways, it is to stop them cold and attack the real problem: government spending and government mandates now consume 60% of our GDP. 50% of that is wasted or stolen. That's over $4 Trillion that could have been used for investment and purchases simply thrown onto a bonfire to burn.

Bottom line, the inmates are running the asylum. Time to stand athwart History and yell "Stop".

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