Monday, February 23, 2009

The Democrat Preoccupation With Blaming America

I reacted with great amusement to the most recent proclamation of the Democrats that the problem with the Drug Mafias in Mexico is that they have too ready of access to guns from the U.S. The Mexican government picked up this theme and immediately became the Amen Chorus, probably not so much because they believed it as because they saw an opportunity to deflect attention from their own astonishing incompetence, not to mention their corruption to those very same Mafias.

That, and the fact that they no doubt smelled a potential U.S. Government handout a mile away, what with the Democrats throwing up flares and waving the cash upwind.

That's right folks. Mexico is Ground Zero for 80% of the Cocaine that comes into the United States, and for as long as I can remember, it's all America's fault, according to the Democrats. See, if we didn't consume it, Columbia and Ecuador wouldn't produce it, and Mexico wouldn't ship it. And never mind that these Mafias pour the stuff by the freightcar load across our porous borders, courtesy once again of the Democrat Party, with a timely assist from those bipartisan enablers, George W. Bush and John McCain.

But that's a sideshow. What I wish to talk about today is Democrats blaming American gun dealers for the Drug Mafia's access to semi-automatic weapons, as if it is inconceivable that they could get the same from say, Cuba, Venezuela, China or Russia. Given your choice between Americans, Cuban Commies or Hugo Chavez's anarchist thugs, why would Democrats automatically assume that the bulk of the Mafia's weapons were coming from America?

Let us also remark upon Democrat alarm - not to mention incredulity - that weapons could be smuggled from America to Mexico, assuming it's happening on an industrial scale. Shades of Campion and Ramos shooting a Drug Dealer in the ass! If guns are being shipped from the U.S.A., do they have any right to be surprised? Did they really think the porous borders they created would only enable people, drugs and materiale to come into the country, but not out? Finally, are Democrats so devoted to their Blame America First fixation that they wouldn't even consider that the same Drug Mafias that have the free run of our borders - courtesy of the Democrats - are the actual source of the problem with any guns that do flow South? Can we give American gun merchants a frickin' break here?

Democrats assume that if there is evil along our border, that it is being exported from the U.S. If there are Perpetrators, they are American. If there are victims, they are Mexican. Perversely, Democrats are also saying: Porous borders give us Illegal Immigrants, and that is virtuous.

So, here's my suggestion: flood Mexico with fine quality American arms. Get them in the hands of the citizenry of Mexico and give them a fighting chance against those murdering, kidnapping bastards, notwithstanding that those murdering, kidnapping bastards are a natural constituency of the Democrat Party.

In other words, make the Mexican people as dangerous to their Elites as Americans are to theirs.

Problem solved.

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