Thursday, January 26, 2017

Voter Fraud: Nothing Going On Here Folks

Regarding "Let's be honest", (Thursday Editorial), the Editors go on and on about the alleged lies and mistruths perpetuated by President Trump and his aides in the opening days of his presidency.  The editorial in particular takes umbrage at Trump's "ridiculous claim about vote fraud."

Ridiculous?  Let's review major stories in the past five years:

- The Michigan recount of the 2016 election results which found several Detroit precincts with more votes than registered voters.

- The fact that recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania all resulted in more Republican votes being counted.

- Credible accounts from California and from other states of Republican voters electronic ballots being switched to Democrat candidates.

- The criminal investigation of Democrat support group ACORN for voter fraud in six states for manufacturing tens of thousands of phony voter registrations, resulting in dozens of convictions.

- An article on the time honored practice of "ballot harvesting" votes at retirement homes and homeless shelters in the Rio Grande Valley, frequently with a bribe.

- A report from Arizona by an electoral official of a "harvester" carrying thousands of ballots into a voting station.

- Decades of electoral fraud in Chicago, most recently documented in a sting video that went viral concerning two party officials expounding on the best voter fraud techniques.

The thing they all had in common?  Overwhelmingly, the apparent fraud was perpetuated by Democrats on behalf of Democrat candidates.  This has been the trend for decades: evidence of Democrat voter fraud, followed by the media pooh-poohing the claims, then encouraging everybody to move on.

Reasonable people looking at this evidence could not fail but to see that there is real voter fraud, and that it virtually always leads back to the Democrats.  The question would then be: how much more would naysayers such as yourselves need to see before you put on your gumshoes, pulled out the notepad and the tape recorder, and started rooting out the story?

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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