Sunday, January 29, 2017

LTE: ‘America First’ policy

Regarding “Trump’s revolution imperils U.S., allies” (Page A15, Friday) Charles Krauthammer claims “our new president’s ‘America First’ foreign policy abandons all that makes America exceptional.”

What a crock. In matters of foreign policy, America has become the world’s patsy. On trade agreements, America always gives away the store. On immigration, every other nation on Earth is allowed to control their borders except America. On military cooperation, Uncle Sam picks up 90 percent of the tab and suffers 90 percent of the casualties. And despite all that, since the end of World War II, diplomatic relations begin and end with America walking on eggshells and constantly apologizing for being America.

It’s one thing to be constantly taken advantage of by others; it’s something else entirely for people like Krauthammer to portray it as some higher calling. The simple fact is that by coddling our allies, we have made them all soft, weak and ripe for exploitation. Trump’s “America First” policy will force them all to again stand on their own two feet. And that is exceptional.

Pete Smith, Cypress

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