Thursday, December 1, 2016

Point Made

Regarding "Website targets ‘leftist’ profs" (Thursday Front Page), the article tells the story of Santiago Pinon, a religion professor at Texas Christian University, who "dashed off an email to several students on a fall afternoon in 2013" to get together for a study group.  It ended with “I don’t mind if this would turn out to be a study session for my STUDENTS OF COLOR ONLY.”

The e-mail was subsequently posted to a conservative website as an example of liberal bias on campus.

Sounds fair to me.  Pinion himself admits the email is accurate, and then faults himself only because "he sent the email without rereading or editing" it. And his claim that what he really meant to do was to encourage students of color to participate rings false.  His forthright words were to exclude white students, not include anybody else.

Sound like this and similar websites serve a useful purpose.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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