Saturday, November 26, 2016

Speaking Of Useful Idiots

Regarding "Report suggests Russian propaganda effort spread fake news" (Saturday Nation page A7), it appears that the New York Times is once again promoting conspiracy theories attempting to prove the Trump campaign collaborated with so-called Russian cyber terrorists who planted thousands of "fake news" stories in social media, and that "the goal was to punish Hillary Clinton, help Donald Trump, and undermine faith in American democracy."

This is not, of course, the Time's first venture into the anti-Trump fever swamps. A month ago, the Time's reported that the Russians were solely responsible for the release of a deluge of e-mails from Clinton and her supporters that showed that Clinton sent classified materials from her private server, was less than truthful about the events surrounding Benghazi, and conspired with DNC bigwigs to chisel Bernie Sanders out of rightly won delegates during the Democrat primaries.

Regardless of the origins of those e-mails, the simple fact is that reasonable people looked at the sum total of the their content, and believed them.  As to the "fake news" conspiracy the Times is now peddling, I have but one question: If this phenomenon was as wide-spread and pernicious as the Times claims, why didn't they come out with this story before the election?

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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