Saturday, October 24, 2015

Regarding "McNair rescinds anti-HERO donation" (Saturday B2),  the Houston Texans owner may have succumbed to pressure from HERO supporters, but he hasn't rescinded his opposition to what has come to be known as the "bathroom ordinance."

That is because HERO supporters refuse to acknowledge that the law - despite its overall good intentions - does precisely what opponents claim: it allows all men - regardless of their sexual orientation - the right to enter women's restrooms and locker rooms.  It also allows them to disrobe in the presence of women, and the only way to restrict their access is to determine ahead of time a clearly criminal intent.

I understand why this distinction is lost on HERO activists, but I don't understand why it is lost on the public officials entrusted with protecting the women and girls of Houston from harassment - or worse - when they are so vulnerable.  

This is political correctness run amok, and Bob McNair is right: the HERO ordinance is sorely in need of "a thoughtful rewrite." 

Pete Smith 
Houston, TX 

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