Friday, October 16, 2015

Hall Pass For Sexual Predators

Regarding "HERO debate goes off-topic" (Friday front page), proponents of the HERO ordinance insist that it "would in no way protect predators" because we already have a city law that "bars someone from entering a restroom of the opposite sex with the intent to 'cause a disturbance'."

The question boils down to the word "intent."  Before HERO, store managers and the police could deny everybody - including sexual predators - access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.  After HERO, store managers and the police must be able to magically determine intent to commit a crime before they can deny access.

Bottom line: male sexual predators have unrestricted access to the same restroom as your daughter, and can remain there until they "cause a disturbance."

Pete Smith
13906 Crow Ridge Ct
Cypress, TX

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