Sunday, November 16, 2014

Incomprehensible On Any Level

A friend who is a teacher offered this article as a caution to Common Core critics.

I think everything I need to understand about the author's attempt to defend Common Core can be summed up with the tortured phrase "different mathematical knowledge".  Teachers supposedly obliged to making things clear and understandable for kids do themselves no favors by insisting that Common Core is incomprehensible to its critics.  

I look at Common Core and I see the same thing I've observed with countless other "innovations" in pedagogy in the past 40 years: yet another distraction from things that worked, with the inevitable requirement for yet more funding and the concomitant demand that there be no  accountability for a decade or so until educators have had an opportunity to implement the program - or until the next innovation comes along. 

And the inevitable punch line of the article is always the same: you parents and critics are too stupid to help your children, but we'll still need more money.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.  Move along.

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