Saturday, May 17, 2014

We Come Today Not To Praise Dewhurst, But To Bury Him

This is one of the reasons I consider politics the only Reality TV show worth watching.  While more regularly scheduled shows like Survivor or The Bachelor offer us endless opportunities to feel better about ourselves by watching people demean themselves, we are conscious of the fact that it is all scripted, and thus, phony.
In politics, though, you get to watch real the real thing.  You get to see Hillary - when challenged about her version of the death of four Americans in Benghazi - loudly declare "what difference does it make?"  You also get to see her reaction as she realizes that those awful words just came out of her mouth at a congressional hearing.  You get to see Barack Obama squirm, endlessly, as he repeatedly is forced to qualify all his previous qualifications about whether you get to keep your doctor or not, period.
You get to watch Harry Reid, desperate to divert attention from the complete failure of his Senate caucus to accomplish anything despite having deprived Republicans of cloture, go off on a bizarre months-long diatribe against the Koch Brothers for doing exactly the same thing that rich people of his acquaintance do with impunity.
So, turnabout being fair play, it only makes sense to shine a spotlight on a Republican who ventures into the same weeds.  My friends, I give you the current holder and 2014 candidate for the position of Lieutenant Governor of the great state of Texas: David Dewhurst. 
To The Editors:
Regarding "Leaking Patrick’s health records jolts race" (Saturday Front Page), Lt Governor David Dewhurst's claims not to have had a hand in the matter might barely have passed the smell test except for one thing: his snarky and contradictory statements on the matter.  First Dewhurst blamed it all on primary opponent Jerry Patterson, declaring that Patterson operated "completely independently of my campaign".  Curiously, he still felt compelled to remind us that Patrick's medical records were "all part of the public domain.”
You can let go now, David
His personal statement was the topper: “My heart goes out to Dan and his family for what they’ve endured while coping with his condition".  Dewhurst clearly thought he was being clever in dusting off Patrick's problems with depression nearly 30 years ago and making them a present day issue.  Whether he released the records or not, his carefully worded disclaimers and willingness to capitalize on his opponent's misfortune simply reinforces the picture he has painted of himself in the past month as a desperate political hack, willing to do or say anything to remain in office.
Pete Smith
Houston, TX
And in conclusion, is there any chance this Mutt will pull a Charlie Crist?  We can only hope.

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