Saturday, March 22, 2014

Obama To The Middle Class - Part II

So, in the last post, OffHisMeds provided an example of an Obamacare policy for a family of four which - including subsidies - was certain to reduce them to abject poverty whilst simultaneously flooding the insurance companies and the health care cartels with Trillions in additional booty. 

But, what, I thought, would the rates be if that couple had no children?  Take those same two people making $64,000, subtract their kids, and guess what the policy would cost?  If you guessed exactly the same, you were right.
This is the interesting part: they tweaked the subsidies so that both families would end up paying almost exactly the same overpriced premiums.  Now, there is no doubt that the whole notion of a bunch of clueless bureaucrats looking into their crystal ball and determining what market pricing ought to be is nonsense on its face, but this example shows that Democrats are heartless bastards as well.  As Progressives, wouldn't they insist that the Couple with no children pay more so that the family of four could pay less, and thus not be bankrupted?

Apparently not.

Mind you, I don't agree that a childless couple should pay more so that somebody else can pay less.  That insanity never has the desired result, and the only thing that does happen is that Democrats have yet more booty they can spread around to their cronies.  Still, what is interesting is how relentlessly regressive Obamacare's pricing policies are.  This is the antithesis of everything the Democrat Party supposedly stands for.

So in conclusion, we now have proof positive from that Democrats are heartless bastards.

As if we didn't already know.

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