Friday, March 21, 2014

Obama To The Middle Class - Lube Is Extra

First came the revelation in the newspaper today that the "penalty" for not enrolling in Obamacare can be vastly higher than the 2.5% that had been widely reported last fall.  Per this article and a calculator invented by the uber-Liberal Brookings Institute, the penalty for not buying a policy through Obama's exchanges can be upwards of 5% of AGI (Adjusted Gross Income).

Don't take my word for it: Click the links, read 'em and weep. The hits just keep on coming.

But wait, it gets worse.  OffHisMeds hadn't visited in a few weeks, so I popped onto the site to see what fresh horrors awaited.  It didn't take long to find them.  I used one of my baseline examples from prior calculations, a family of four with a modest AGI of $64,000.  That's two parents humping it full time on average salaries of $32,000 each, WAY the Hell below the median individual wage of $47,000, which is to say, barely getting by.
There you go, people: from Obama's website to your eyes: a yearly premium of $443.00/mo. ($5,316.00 per year) for the crappiest Silver Plan available, and you are on the hook for the first $12,700 out of pocket.  Oh yeah, and that doesn't include Dental or anything more than bare bones optical, so throw in another $2,000.00 per year for the median coverage on those two items.  That means this family of modest means will pay upwards of $20,000.00 - 50% of their disposable income - before the insurance cartels have to cough up a dime of coverage.

But wait, surely taxpayers subsidies will cover some of this cost!  Yes, Obamacare to the rescue!  As the website states above, this family qualifies for a generous $249.00 per month subsidy, but look at the fine print: That subsidy is already deducted from a premium which would otherwise cost $692.00 per month.  Obama giveth, and Obama taketh away.

But wait, it gets better!  None of these plans offer you any assurance whatsoever that you'll get to keep your doctors or other preferred health care providers.  In fact, there is less than a one in four chance that your doctors will be on any plan you choose, and it is a virtual certainty that if you shop plans that include just your doctors, they will be the higher priced plans.  Even that weasel Obama is now tacitly admitting this.

Obamacare does what nobody thought was possible: it sanctifies the ridiculously high prices of health care services and completely protects them against market forces, ensuring that they will never come down.  That $45.00 Tylenol at the hospital, or that $10,000 two hour emergency room bill?  They are never going away.

As OffHisMeds has demonstrated time and time and time again, the Affordable Health Care Act is a scheme to rape working Americans, confiscate all of their money, and give it to the insurance companies and the health care Cartels.  How many more examples do people need to see before they believe it?

Obamacare advocates are either Morons, or evil, but they are most assuredly one of these. 

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