Thursday, November 21, 2013

Overpaid Underperforming Crybabies Finger The Real Culprit

Regarding "These are tense times for Schaub" (Thursday Sports), we are now up to at least four Texans' starters who have made quotes explicitly critical of Houston fans for booing at the game this past Sunday vs. Oakland.  Tight End Owen Daniels is quoted as saying he "only wants smart fans in the stands".  In John McClain's Monday article, Andre Johnson said of the fans: "They choose to boo.  I feel it's very unnecessary.  I don't really approve of it."  Left guard Wade Smith complained that he was disappointed "because (the booing) was affecting how we play." 
Really Wade?  Did the fans cause all of your penalties too?
And lest there be any doubt about how players felt, Ben Tate said "The fans in Houston are so up and down, and so wishy washy."  He then went on to say he "was shocked, because this organization has come a long way."  Apparently he spoke for the whole team, because not a single player criticized him for his comments, much less his jaw-dropping conclusion that the Texans "have come a long way."
Can these players really be that clueless as to why the fans are booing?  They booed Gary Kubiak's decision to take out Case Keenum, who has thrown more TD passes to Andre Johnson in the past four games than Matt Schaub managed in the prior 22.  They booed because they knew that when the game was on the line, Schaub would stare directly at his primary receiver and then throw into triple coverage, losing the game.  They booed because they knew that in the second half, instead of playing to win, the Texans would come out of the locker room and simply go through the motions, as they have for eight games in a row.  Finally, they booed the fumbling, penalty-plagued Texans for being so mistake prone that their CENTER was called for a false start.  How is it even possible for the guy that snaps the ball to forget that he hasn't snapped the ball yet? 
And don't even get me started on the fact that these guys decided to tar all fans with the same brush.  They are paid millions to play professional football, not stumble around like a bunch of amateurs.  Rather than blaming the fans they should man up, apologize for their terrible play,  promise to do better, and then deliver.  If they can't do that, they deserve the boos.    
Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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