Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oh Thurston, I Was Hoping To Save Those Travel Miles!

Abortion Ken & Barbie

This would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. This couple claims a new Texas law prevented her from getting an abortion.   It's a lie.

Forget the fact that they had the option to prevent a pregnancy; forget the fact that they might have suffered some change to their plans for the sake of their unborn child, including putting the child up for adoption; forget the fact that there was another clinic down the road that could have aborted their baby. These Yuppie blowhards allowed themselves to be used by Planned Parenthood in a lawsuit designed to challenge the new Texas law so as to preserve their profits.  The clinic in question was out of compliance for the simple reason that the clinic doctors had adamantly refused to get admitting privileges at a local hospital.

My favorite part: Marni lamenting that she had to expend valuable frequent flyer miles to get an abortion in another state. That little revelation tugged on my heartstrings about the same amount as Sandra Fluke's lament that insurance provided birth control pills weren't available to her, right before she jetted off to a vacation in Spain....

Seriously, what does it say about the credibility of abortion industry claims of oppression when so many of the so-called "victims" that act as plaintiffs are nothing but a "Beard"?

Either way, these two - so chipper, so unconcerned - are a couple of cold-blooded sociopaths. 


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