Friday, February 22, 2013

Success? What Success?

Regarding "Perry ignoring uncomfortable pre-K truths" (Friday City & State), might it be untimely for Lisa Falkenberg to be criticizing Governor Perry for his so-called failures to fund pre-K education by citing the so-called successes of the federal Head Start program?  The reason I ask is that was revealed just last week that the Department of Education came out with a study declaring the fifty year old Head Start program to be largely a failure, a conclusion that the department of Health and Human Services reached three years ago for a program that currently spends over $7 Billion per year on approximately 1 million low income students.
It could be that Gov Perry is onto something when he posits that a government solution - at any level - might not necessarily be the panacea that big government proponents would have us believe it to be.
Pete Smith

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