Sunday, March 17, 2013

Democrats Criminalize Everything

Regarding "Cellphone rule can put the unlocked behind bars" (Sunday Business page D3), my compliments to Loren Steffy for exposing yet another example of the Obama administration's willingness to use Executive Fiat to trample on personal freedoms.  The news that the Librarian of Congress had the authority to overrule Clinton-era legislation that favored the rights of the consumer in moving a bought-and-paid-for cell phone to the carrier of their choice was no doubt a shocker to most of us, much less that his proclamation could land us in jail for up to five years with a $50,000 fine.
But of course, "choice" is something that is less and less available to us under the Obama Administration.  The ObamaCare Individual Mandate will force the typical family to pay thousands per year in penalties if they choose not to purchase insurance from the health care cartel.  We are all forced to use engine-destroying ethanol, a practice that sucks billions from taxpayers and forces corn prices through the roof for the benefit of the Ethanol cartel.  Taxpayer subsidies distort the markets by favoring the Electric car and Wind Power cartels. 
These policies all have four things in common: 1) They further erode individual freedoms; 2) They are designed to kill competition; 3) They all suck money from the pockets of taxpayers and consumers; and 4) The corporations who benefit all make huge contributions to the usual suspects in Washington.  It's pay-to-play on a massive scale - the rights of citizens be damned - and is likely to be the true legacy of Obama's presidency.
Pete Smith

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