Sunday, November 25, 2012

Union Suicide In The Age Of Obama

So, Twinkies drivers made $120,000 per year AFTER they accepted an 8% pay cut. That's not including benefits, by the way.   Just so we're clear, that's Twinkie drivers: as in, the guys who delivers Twinkies.  Check it all out right here:

OffHisMeds will spare you his opinion of this union member or his brethren, other than to say that they live in some alternate universe incomprehensible to decent folk. 

He will, however, observe that, if this is the so-called "concession" that the Teamsters made so as to keep Hostess viable, it is no wonder that this country is going to hell in a handbasket.  I generally take no pleasure in the prospect of 18,500 people losing their jobs, but when those 18,500 are extremely overpaid people who purposely work to destroy their own livelihoods on the off chance they can extort even more moolah from their employers, I say, good riddance.

One can only assume that the AFL-CIO thought the Obama Administration was going to impose itself in some way, and it looked like that might happen when the judge overseeing the bankruptcy proceedings ordered Hostess back to the table before pursuing their Chapter 11 dissolution.  It's instructive that less than 48 hours later he caved, and granted Hostess their right to self-destruct, a reassuring sign that there is some limit even to President Obama's powers to transfer OPM (Other People's Money) to his union chums.

Sorry, Baker's Union.  There will be no taxpayer-funded "Government Motors" style bailout for you.  Obama didn't want to go down in history as the Twinkie president.   

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