Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stupidity Squared

The news reports are going on and on about the huge tragedy of four Americans being murdered when their 54' yacht was over-run and the American military interceded, provoking the Pirates to kill their hostages.

Call me crazy, call me cruel, say I lack empathy, but what in the Hell were those people doing cruising past Somalia?

Their self-indulgence cost not just their lives, but endangered the lives of American servicemen and ended up with sundry of the pirates riddled by special forces bullets.

I know nothing about these people, but I'm going to go out on a limb and state that at least one of them was a college professor and that one of them was an investment banker. Further, at least a couple of them was from New York. And if there was an educator in the mix somewhere, that they were on Sabbatical.

Tragic, but stupid.

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