Sunday, January 9, 2011

Breaking News: Tea Party Incites Serial Killers!

(Note: I wrote this early the morning after the shooting, when it was announced that the congresswoman had been killed; that turned out to be - thankfully - wrong; thus, the only change I would make to the Riff below would be to portray more accurately exactly whose grave it is that Liberals are dancing on. Now we wait with bated breath for Congresswoman Giffords to recover enough to be able to speak about the tragedy. I wonder what she will have to say?).

Well, OffHisMeds - like anybody else with a scrap of decency - was devastated by the news that an Arizona Congresswoman and several others were shot outside of a supermarket during a meet and greet with constituents. Just so happened that my sister had called and that, of course, was the primary topic of conversation.

I hadn't had an opportunity to follow closely since I was on the road and constantly losing radio signals, so I had a jumble of questions for my sister: How many were killed? Who were they? Did they catch the gunman? What was his motivation? And of course and most importantly: Does Arizona have the death penalty?

As we talked, though, I couldn't help but speculate as to how long it would take the Media to blame this on the Tea Parties. What do you mean, asked my Sis? Simple, I replied. From their very inception less than two years ago, the Media have speculated on the sinister meaning - and intent - of the Tea Parties, mis-characterizing them as monolithic, radicalized and racist. They were exactly like the KKK , and all that remained to relegate them to the Ash Heap of history was to identify the Grand Dragon that pulled the strings.

Such were my thoughts on learning of this great tragedy, and not without a tinge of guilt did it occur to me that this was hardly the time to be speculating as to how the Media would use this to flog Conservatives, but facts are facts, and if Las Vegas handicapped such things, I would have thrown down my life savings on the certainty that the headline article in my newspaper would include - on the front page - the term "Tea Party", and speculation as to how their divisive agenda might have incited the Killer to his indiscriminate slaughter. I could then have retired a wealthy man, relieved of the burden of chasing dimes all over the effing country.

Sure enough, the most Usual of the Usual Suspects did not let me down. Ladies and gentlemen, for the sheer consistency with which any Media outlet can act as the purveyor of Democrat talking points whilst still masquerading as an impartial news organization, you just can't beat the Associated Press. And they didn't disappoint, either.

They set it up with this gem, gleaned from the very first sentence describing the crime: ....."an attempted assassination that left Americans questioning whether divisive politics had pushed the suspect over the edge".

Really? Given their deadlines, is it plausible that the authors of the article had time to question even one American as to whether or not Divisive Politics played any roll in this crime? Not likely. And it took them two more paragraphs to actually implicate the Tea Parties for the crime, sinister, monolithic organization that they are: "Giffords, 40, is a moderate Democrat who narrowly won re-election against a tea party candidate who sought to throw her from office over her support of the health care law."

The subsequent paragraphs are even worse, with the authors giving space to a sheriff willing to even more explicitly blame conservatives, with the phrase "anger, hatred and bigotry" being one of the more reasoned in his diatribe.

Really, Sheriff Dupnik? How could you as a law enforcement official have formed such an opinion mere hours after the crime and before any investigation? You couldn't, of course, which makes you a Horse's Ass.

I won't bore you with the rest, except to mention that they also dragged Sarah Palin into the calumny, apparently for having political views that differed from Congresswoman Giffords'. One other point: I was surprised that the authors had the restraint not to use the term "Tea Baggers" in their literary Jihad, until I read the Insert that included comments from various folks, including an anonymous Blogger who blamed it all on "fanatical tea-baggers (sic) folks".

There was more than a little irony in the authors of the article including a quote from a Nobody with a such a tenuous grasp on grammar, having mangled not only the tense but the case of the term "tea-baggers". And don't get me started on the superfluous hyphen. Earlier in the article - and quoted above - they themselves made reference to the "tea party candidate" that opposed Congresswoman Giffords. Call me crazy, but shouldn't the term Tea Party be capitalized, seeing as how it's a proper noun? You know, kind of like with the same consistency with which the AP capitalizes the term Democrat, as in "Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords"?

But then, as I must constantly remind myself, Liberals live in a different universe, one that holds them unaccountable not only for their crappy writing, but their singular lack of human decency, dancing on the grave of Gabrielle Giffords, killed dead mere hours before these Assholes so gleefully decided to turn a human tragedy - once again - into an opportunity to flog a political horse.

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