Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama Obeisance

And the beat goes on. Barack Obama and the Democrats have seen the enemy, and it is us. Their over-the-top reaction to the modest criticisms of the Tea Parties, declaring them racist, bigoted, extremist, Nazi-like and crappy dressers is the New Norm for Democrat dialogue. And why? Because Tea Partiers had the temerity to spotlight the flaws of a government that spends us into insolvency, punishes Americans for saving and investing, confiscates from or competes with Americans for all of the available capital and regulates all other domestic economic activity into stagnation.

The result of 40 years of this nonsense? We're the biggest debtor nation in history, and China could destroy our economy simply by ceasing the purchase of our bonds. A Belgian company owns Budweiser, and a South African company owns Miller, so 90% of all the beer consumed in America enriches foreigners. China is snapping up natural resources in our back yard left and right (the only unencumbered "assets" left in North America, by the way), and Private Equity firms mask the torrent of foreign investment in American companies that is the direct result of Democrat overspending at the city, county, state and federal level. How much longer do we go before Americans own nothing?

If only Obama could do to the rest of the world what he's doing to us, but that's a pipe dream. Kinda makes you wonder who's holding his leash, though. Last year he bowed to the Saudi dictator. Yesterday, he bowed to Hu Jintao of China. Coincidence?

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