Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let That Be A Lesson To You

The remarkable part of a recent story about use of the "N" word in a Houston school was not that it was allegedly done by a Teacher's Aide, nor that the student and his parents were so offended that they demanded that the Aide be fired, nor that the school district inevitably complied. The remarkable part of this story was not even the fact that the Teacher's Aide involved was Black.

No, the remarkable part was the letter of dismissal sent by the Houston Independent School District to the employee, portions of which were shown on TV (around the 2:10 mark of the video link above). In addition to recognizable phrases like "your contract will not be renewed", was the following declaration: "....use a racial epitaph while addressing......"

Racial epitaph?

Without knowing or caring about the age, race or gender of the letter writer, of one thing I am absolutely certain: they were a product of HISD or its thousands of clones nationwide: obsessed for two generations now with political correctness, self-esteem, fairness and opportunity, and not at all concerned about syntax, grammar, spelling - or the limitations of Spellcheck when composing a letter in Microsoft Word.

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