Thursday, September 17, 2009

Protest Equals Racism

So, if criticizing President Obama is racist, according to his defenders, not liking the dude must really be racist. I love the double standard, particularly considering the number of times Barack Obama has thrown George W. Bush under the bus in the past two years whilst dodging any accusations of Racism. That aside, let me be the first on my block to admit I don't like Obama, and that I don't like him specifically because he is - as Congressman Joe Wilson described him - a liar. Now, my only objection to old Joe was his timing. His analysis was spot on.

The knee-jerk rebuttal of Obama's apologists is three-fold: 1) that his accusers are misrepresenting his policies; 2) that all politicians lie, and thus, that Obama is held to a double-standard; and 3) they complain that he's been in office a mere eight months and thus, his critics have not "given him a chance".

Taking each argument in turn, Obama's problem is that 1) he is repeatedly "caught on tape" contradicting his own claims as regards his policies; 2) his lies are not garden-variety lies; they are world class lies, unexposed to scrutiny by a complicit Media and unexamined by a large but diminishing percentage of an Electorate still grooving on the Obama election Vibe; and 3) it is the very point that he has peddled so many whoppers in so short a period of time that has given not just Republicans but Moderates the heebie-jeebies.

As to OffHisMed's particular animus, I can sum it up in a few words by observing that I dislike Barack Obama no more - and in most instances less - than most of those who are fixtures in the Democrat Party; people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, John Kerry and Al Gore. They are all white, of course, and their history as liars goes much farther back than his; the problem is that, as President, he is in a position to do ever so much more damage.

To cite particular examples of Obama's lies, consider his latest: Per Obama, conservative opponents are ruining the prospects for a "civil debate" on the Health Care issue with their angry protests. And yet, this is the President who tried to ram through Health Care reform before the August recess without an opportunity to even understand it's contents, much less debate them. It's interesting that his reverence for "civil" debate only developed once his uncivil attempt to subvert democracy was shoved back in his face.

For another example, his singular legislative achievement has been to ram through a $1.2 Trillion dollar "stimulus" bill, again without any time allotted to inform the public and debate its merits, but represented by Obama as a responsible use of taxpayer funds, and vital if we were to avoid disaster. Only later did we appreciate that it was a $1.2 Trillion dollar gift to Democrat politicians and special interest groups, and that the money did nothing to slow the Recession, despite Obama's claims that it would hold Unemployment under 8.5%.

For yet another example, there is his enthusiastic embracement, and then jittery rejection of ACORN, an outfit apparently devoted to Election Fraud and counseling Pimps on the best means to acquire government backed mortgages so as to set up houses of prostitution stocked with underage girls. Obama dropped their name repeatedly during the campaign, his ties to ACORN are long and deep, and his Stimulus bill proposed to give ACORN $8 Billion (160 times more than the $50 million they've gotten since 1994), and to make them the lead organization on the new Census. By his words and deeds, it certainly sounds like he and ACORN were thick as thieves. Now, he acts like he never knew 'em.

Shades of Obama denying Reverend Jeremiah Wright and William Ayres. Radical lefties must feel like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, with Barack playing the role of Peter, the only difference being that Obama's denied them a lot more than three times, and there's no reliable evidence that any cock crowed, which would have been handy, was Obama inclined to keep score.

Of course, that's assuming that Obama's strategy is not simply to lie low until the controversy has passed and ACORN enacts some superficial reforms, followed in three month's time by Obama reinstating them as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, as well as the orgy of funding in his Stimulus Package.

We could do this all day. The bottom line is that no other politician much less president in modern times has generated so many colossal whoppers in such a short period of time, and so far, with impunity.

Whether or not the pattern of lies continues depends greatly on the inclination of the American people - in the face of all those lies - to yet further suspend disbelief, and their willingness to accept that if they criticize him, they must be Racists.

The trend does not favor Obama.

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