Thursday, May 7, 2009

Not The Gay Movement's Finest Moment

OffHisMeds thinks Gay people need to be pickier about who they allow to represent them. I mention this in the wake of the bile and vitriol directed towards Miss California, Carrie Prejean, and spilling out of “spokesmen” for the Gay community that has become a torrent of recent days. The Internet blogcast by Miss USA judge and Gay Activist Perez Hilton was the first, a conversation between Michael Musto of the Village Voice and Keith Olbermann on MSNBC was the worst, and sundry other voices have chipped in, all abetting the character assassination of Ms. Prejean.

It began during the Miss USA Pageant when Hilton asking Prejean if she favored legalizing Gay Marriage. She started out throwing Hilton a bone by stating that it was great we lived in a land where people could choose, but stated that her personal belief was that marriage should be between a man and a woman. The reaction by Hilton and many others in the Gay Community against Prejean was swift, brutal and relentless. Hilton immediately got on the web and among other things, stated that she had "half a brain", and called her "a dumb bitch". He went on to threaten her with violence and humiliation - "ripping the tiara off her head" - if she had won. Do yourself a favor and watch his blogcast:

It's interesting to note the totally disingenuous rebuttal he offers regarding her answer, and his suggestion of the appropriate answer being that she was free to express personal disagreement but that the decision should be left to the individual states. Perez Hilton could give a crap about the Tenth Amendment, and likely doesn't appreciate the significance of the Full Faith and Credit provisions of the Constitution as they relate to the question; and he surely couldn't care less about Prejean's First Amendment rights. It's all about him, all the time.

It's also interesting that the "half a brain" theme was picked up on by Musto and Olbermann and cranked up to Warp Nine, as they trashed her brain, breasts and virtually every other part on her body. Check it out:

Several things are remarkable about these acts, and none of them reflect well upon the Gay Community in particular or Liberals in general. First, the breathtaking Hate Speech that characterized their words, all to defame a woman they disagree with. Second, their constant misrepresentation of her words supporting heterosexual marriage as being an "attack" on Gay marriage. Third, the guerilla campaign to defame and destroy Carrie Prejean for holding a view different from their own. Fourth, the hypocrisy of these folks for attempting to destroy Carrie Prejean for having exactly the same opinion as their hero - Barack Obama - but breathing not a word of criticism about "The One".

Finally, and not insignificantly, there is the failure of these self-appointed spokesmen for the Gay Community to acknowledge that this was actually an attack on Heterosexual women in general, and Prejean just happened to be the victim du jour. Recall that Hilton set Prejean up by asking her such an inappropriate question in the first place. Whether it was she who was asked the question or any of the other dozens of contestants, the "wrong" answer would have provoked exactly the same vile and tiresomely predictable response from Hilton and his ilk. And does anybody actually believe that Hilton would have stopped asking this question if he had gotten the politically correct answer on the first try?


The behavior of all of these so-called representatives of the Gay community reinforces all the worst stereotypes about Homosexuals: self-absorbed, self-righteous, obsessed with Body Image, bitchy, mean, vindictive, and deeply, deeply Misogynistic. That last is, I think, the dirty little secret of this drama. Think about it: have you ever heard a straight male speak of any woman like that? Ever heard a heterosexual so criticize Gays? For that matter, have you ever heard another Gay male use such vitriol against a Straight male? No; only from some radicalized Gay Men do we hear such things about women simply because they are overtly Heterosexual. Call me crazy, but it's rhetoric like this that reinforces the other stereotype that Gay Men are Gay only because they couldn't get girls.

How else to explain the Hatin'?

While I only document the nefarious behavior of Olbermann, Hilton and Musto, sundry others prominent in the Homosexual community have reacted in essentially the same fashion, numerous others have been silent, and virtually none of them has come forward to defend Ms. Prejean, much less her right to have an opinion different from their own. Surely there's somebody in the Gay Community to speak rationally about her right to self-expression? But that any of these "gentlemen" had the integrity of Randy Shilts.

So much for chivalry.

I also pointed out earlier these Activists' predictable response in having set up Prejean for answering the question honestly. Perez's follow up - and that of his Minions - was to then dredge up anything and everything to "Out" her; a process, by the way, that was actively abetted by the Mainstream Media. Now, Outing is one of the most controversial practices of militant Gays, but it reinforces yet another stereotype of those who do this to other Homosexuals for no reason other than vindictiveness. From that perspective, it was only a matter of time before they extended the practice to Straight folks, albeit that this has been a time-honored tactic of the Democrat Party in dealing with others who disagree with them.

Finally, Homosexual Activists must one day come to grips with the Big Gay Elephant In The Living Room, and acknowledge that their President was not only NOT reticent about making his anti-Gay marriage views known, but volunteered this information time and time and time again on the campaign trail. And yet, I don't recall Perez Hilton, Olbermann, Musto or any other member of the Gay Community calling Obama a "dumb bitch" or proclaiming him to have "half a brain" for so forthrightly advocating against Gays.

Besides further exposing the hypocrisy of some in the Gay Community, I wonder what it does to their self-esteem, not to mention their view of The One? Might it be that his Tiara - not to mention their own - has been knocked ever so slightly askew?

1 comment:

  1. To quote my friend Brianna Bourdreau, "Mean people suck."
    And who in their right mind would have a hating, self-appointed critic of he world as a "judge" of anything? I daresay the organizers of this pageant suck, too.


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