Friday, August 24, 2018

LTE - Accusers aren’t convincing

Regardng “U.S. Center for SafeSport’s ban on Jean Lopez lifted” (Page C11, Sunday ), the revelation in this article is not that the renowned taekwondo coach has been allowed to resume coaching while battling accusations of sexual abuse; the revelation is the manner in which the deck is stacked in favor of the accusers.

To cite one instance, the four women and their lawyers have avoided filing criminal charges in any locality where these acts are alleged to have occurred. It allows them to avoid the rigors of a criminal court proceeding, with specific formal charges and a grand jury or prosecutor determining the validity of their claims. Instead, they have gone the extralegal route of public defamation and lawsuit, with none of these accusers even willing to submit to a deposition. How can a man be deprived of his livelihood when none of the accusers will take legal responsibility for their statements?

Pete Smith, Cypress

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