Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Trump simplifies taxes

Regarding "GOP tax adds pressure on IRS" (Wednesday Business Pg B3), NY Times columnist Patricia Cohen and former IRS commissioner John Koskinen fret that the new tax plan will overwhelm the IRS because the agency is being given so much more to do, and less resources with which to do it.  The problem with their analysis is that apparently, neither one bothered to account for the fact that with the reforms, up to 90% of all taxpayers can now avoid long form and file their claims on the proverbial post card.

Bottom line, the IRS is going to have a LOT less to do for tax year 2018, so instead of worrying about the impact of the reforms on 80,000 IRS employees, the New York Times should celebrate the liberation of more than 100 million taxpayers.

Pete Smith

Cypress, TX 

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