Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Well written article

Regarding "Conservatism will not emerge unscathed from Trump’s presidency" (Thursday City|State), compliments to Erica Grieder for her insightful article about the impact of  Donald Trump not just on conservatism, but the Republican Party as well.  It's a complex subject, and I'll admit that to fully understand her argument, I had to do several web searches on the columnists she quoted.

That said, a little homework is a small price to pay to appreciate the subject.  There's rarely been a populist candidate who shook up the political status quo as thoroughly as Donald Trump has in the past two years; Theodore Roosevelt is the last who comes to mind.  So, I look forward to some follow up articles on the subject from Ms Grieder, and expect that they will be as well written as this one.

Pete Smith 

Cypress, TX

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