Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Well written article

Regarding "Conservatism will not emerge unscathed from Trump’s presidency" (Thursday City|State), compliments to Erica Grieder for her insightful article about the impact of  Donald Trump not just on conservatism, but the Republican Party as well.  It's a complex subject, and I'll admit that to fully understand her argument, I had to do several web searches on the columnists she quoted.

That said, a little homework is a small price to pay to appreciate the subject.  There's rarely been a populist candidate who shook up the political status quo as thoroughly as Donald Trump has in the past two years; Theodore Roosevelt is the last who comes to mind.  So, I look forward to some follow up articles on the subject from Ms Grieder, and expect that they will be as well written as this one.

Pete Smith 

Cypress, TX

Thursday, November 2, 2017

LTE: Anti-hero

Regarding “Unsung hero during uproar has been O’Brien’s leadership” (Page C14, Wednesday), columnist John McClain compliments Texans’ coach Bill O’Brien for his unqualified support for his players after they protested owner Bob McNair’s comments about “inmates running the prison” during a meeting of NFL owners and player representatives

The problem is that McNair categorically denied that his comments were directed at players and that has been corroborated by various people in the meeting, including Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones.

By supporting a phony narrative, O’Brien let his players put the stink of racism on an honorable man. That’s not the definition of a hero to me.

Pete Smith, Cypress