Friday, February 10, 2017

Cancel That Green Card

Regarding "Surgeon cancels life-saving trip to Iran" (Friday Front Page), after the Trump administration implemented a travel ban against seven countries coming into the U.S.,
Dr. Alireza Shamshirsaz of Texas Children’s Hospital and some associates have refused to travel to Iran to perform a life saving operation on two unborn children due to their uncertainty at being allowed to return.  They are all as green card holders born in Iran.

Put aside for the moment the daily stories of green card holders successfully leaving the United States and returning; There is no version of the Hippocratic Oath that begins "First, I will put my own well-being above that of my patients."  There's also no version that allows one to sacrifice their patients' well being so as to preserve residency status in America.

Dr. Shamshirsaz and those other medical professionals should go to Iran, save those childrens' lives, and take their chances on return, regardless of how negligible the risk.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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