Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Missing The Obvious

Regarding "Russian plot to disrupt U.S. elections probed" (Tuesday Front Page), the article claims that Russian operatives "hack systems used in the political process", but is this true?

Further in the article, specific mention is made of the recent hacking of the Democratic National Committee server by suspected Russian operatives, as well as the Wikileaks dump of Hillary Clinton campaign e-mails.  Add to that the revelations in recent months that "Guccifer 2.0" hacked the Clinton Campaign, and recent testimony that Hillary used a private server in her basement with only the most basic of cybernet security when she was secretary of state, and it seems that all of the vulnerable "systems" involved belong to Democrats.

In 2013, Edward Snowden stole millions of federal government records and took them to the Chinese and the Russians.  Last summer, it was revealed that personal files of over 24 million people were stolen from federal government computers in two separate incidents, supposedly by the Chinese.

I think I see a pattern here.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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