Sunday, July 24, 2016

Double Standard

Regarding "More Fox News women allege sexual harassment" (Sunday Nation, Page A31), I am underwhelmed by the New York Times documenting an alleged pattern of sexual harassment at Fox News, or the implication that former chief Roger Ailes created an environment that fostered such behavior.  In point of fact, for an organization that employs several thousand, Fox News appears to be doing a pretty good job in preventing sexual harassment.

Base on this article, the misconduct of the entire corporation pales in comparison to the individual exploits of Democrats Teddy Kennedy, Bill Clinton or former San Diego mayor Bob Filner, to name but a few.  The article also lacked something that is required in abundance when other than a Republican or conservative is accused: proof.  There is one named accuser, but otherwise nothing but allegations and anonymous sources.  Shoddy, lazy journalism, on the whole.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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