Saturday, February 6, 2016

Media Stalkers

Regarding "Manziel’s problems continue to mount" (Saturdays Sports), I was completely un-surprised to find that Johnny Manziel's travails were Page One news in the Chronicle.  Along with most of the sports talking heads on TV and radio, dirt on Johnny Manziel is the drug of choice for Chronicle sports writers, even during Super Bowl week.

The nonstop coverage is not only disturbing, it is pathological: The same few factoids recycled and rehashed each day; The endless moralizing, tongue clicking and finger wagging; And most disturbing to me, the outright mean-spirited tone of the narrative.  To listen to Brian Smith, David Barron and the rest, Johnny Football has no redeeming qualities at all, he is on the road to perdition, and every rumor that reflects badly on him is automatically reported as fact.

I can tolerate - barely - some overkill.  In the Twitter Era, it's what reporters do.  What I can't tolerate is the fish bowl they've put Manziel in, because they have absolutely no intention of ever letting him out.

If the Sports Paparazzi is really concerned about Johnny Manziel's well being, they should try giving the story a rest for a few weeks.  I know it will be painful, but it will at least let them get back to reporting on Sports, which is what they are paid to do.

Pete Smith
Cypress, TX

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