Thursday, July 16, 2015

Silly Global Warmers

Regarding "A ‘mini-ice age’ isn’t coming, contrary to viral headlines" (Thursday Nation A7), it appears there's nothing that Climate Changers won't do or say to support their theories, including contradict themselves.  

Take, for example, the unnamed reporter of this Washington Post article.  They refute the notion of a mini-ice age based on unusual sunspot activity, noting that the "research mentions nothing about how (Sunspots) will affect the Earth’s climate."  Then the article goes on to confidently assert that "several other recent studies of a possible solar minimum have concluded that whatever climate effects the phenomenon may have will be dwarfed by the warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions."  

So, the data doesn't support the possibility that sunspot activity might cool the Earth, but it does prove that if it happens, man-made greenhouse gasses will counteract it.  

These people.

Pete Smith 
Houston, TX 

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