Friday, June 19, 2015

Ode To Dark Beer

A friend did a "search" of the H4 website to scrounge up my epic poem from 2009 and it occurred to me that I should be able to web search this, so I'm giving it it's own blog post.


Why oh why drink beer that's dark?
It leaves a coating on the tongue.
It tastes as if it's made from bark,
and dirt and sweat and lard and dung.

But dark beer drinkers love its savor,
swish it in their mouths, they do,
the fetid, musty, fecal flavor,
From a moldy running shoe.

So hoist a tankard of this vile,
felching, belching bitch's brew,
It must be borne of stomach bile,
shit and used tobacco chew.

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