Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chutzpah - Houston Texan Style

Regarding "Who’ll pick up tab to get stadium ready for big game?" (Monday Front Page), it was refreshing to read of a public official finally saying no to a money grab by a professional sports organization, in this case Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack, who declared “I’m not about to vote to spend a single dollar of county money updating these luxury suites.” 

His reaction certainly reflects public sentiment, and that no doubt explains the stark difference in the way the NFL and Texans' owner Bob McNair are speaking now, as opposed to the past couple months.  In February, NFL representatives were bluntly demanding the improvements, and in March, McNair went so far as to suggest NRG Stadium might go the route of the Astrodome unless taxpayers ponied up. 

This go-round, NFL representatives are making polite suggestions, while Mr. McNair is mostly silent.  How to explain the change in tone?  I'm not sure, but it likely has something to do with the backlash from fans who recall former Oilers owner Bud Adams making similar threats regarding the Astrodome, getting similar payoffs, and leaving Houston in the lurch anyway.  Not a good role model to emulate.

Pete Smith
Houston, TX

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